The PSU Environmental Professional Program (EPP) staff would like to extend an invitation to apply for the 2018 EPP Diversity Scholarship!
The goal of this scholarship is to increase participation from populations typically underrepresented in the field of environmental science and from geographic regions outside the Portland Metro Area. The Environmental Professional Program will be offering a $5,000 scholarship that can be used to pay tuition for the core classes of the River Restoration Certificate. Information on those classes, including costs, can be found on our website: .
The application process is open to all interested individuals. Applicants should submit a resume and short letter (1 page) describing your career goals and your need for the support. The scholarship will be awarded to a single applicant interested in the River Restoration Certificate. Applications are due on Friday February 16, 2018 by 11:59 pm PST. Please e-mail your application as a single PDF or Word document to
If you have any questions, email