Job Opportunities: Wildlife Research Assistant, ODFW & Mid-Level Field Biologist, Turnstone Environmental

Wildlife Research Assistant, ODFW
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is hiring a Experimental Biology Aide (Wildlife Research Assistant) based in Roseburg, Oregon. Participate as a member of a field crew to capture, radio-mark and monitor black-tailed deer and elk primarily in the Tioga and McKenzie wildlife management units of southwest Oregon. Applications due 4/9/19! For more information, or to apply, go to:—ODFW/Experimental-Biology-Aide–Wildlife-Research-Assistant-_REQ-6497

Mid-Level Field Biologist, Turnstone Environmental
Turnstone Environmental Consultants, Inc. is hiring an experienced field biologist. Projects will include marbled murrelet and northern spotted owl surveys at a minimum, with the potential to work on other various projects including raptors, terrestrial mollusks, amphibians, avian point counts, and/or wetland delineations, depending on needs and previous experience. For more information, or to apply, go to: