Help meet OCRF fundraising goals – matching fund opportunity!

ORTWS is committed to promoting the conservation of Oregon’s wildlife, and to supporting current and future generations of wildlife biologists.  We believe the Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund (OCRF, aka HB2829) is a huge step forward for both of these goals.  The OCRF was passed in 2019 and directs State General Funds to ODFW based on criteria designed to address under-supported conservation priorities.  Specifically, an advisory committee will approve projects and funds that are focused on the goals of the Oregon Conservation Strategy and Nearshore Strategy. In addition, the OCRF 1) prioritizes non-game related programs and monitoring; 2) is intended to focus more resources toward  “non-consumptive” recreation programs and constituents, and 3) seeks to engage demographics that may have been under-served by traditional outreach programs.

The OCRF is also designed to serve as matching funds for the federal Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, which would deliver over $20 million annually to fish and wildlife management in Oregon if passed.  In June, authorizing language for the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time, bringing us closer to passage of this important legislation. This would be game-changing for funding wildlife conservation in our state and across the nation.

The OCRF is currently in a ‘proving up” process. If partners like us can raise $1 million in private funds by December 2020, the bill will be submitted for an amendment, and reinstate a dedicated $13-15 million from the general fund toward wildlife conservation every biennium thereafter. Supporting the OCRF is not about raising $1 million, it’s about  proving up a permanent shift in how the state prioritizes General Fund money toward conservation in Oregon.

That’s why the Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society has committed $5,000 in matching funds towards the OCRF.  If you donate to the OCRF through our fundraising campaign, your donation will be directly matched by ORTWS!  100% of all funds raised will be donated to the OCRF before the fundraising deadline.  We encourage all members who are able to donate to this important campaign.

To take advantage of the ORTWS matching funds, donate through our fundraising campaign here!
If you would prefer to donate directly to the OCRF, you can do so here (note, your donation will not qualify for ORTWS matching funds, but will still support the OCRF):