Zebra Mussels found in Washington Pet Store

Please see important alert from USGS NAS below and share broadly – We are asking that you please check out your local pet stores here in Oregon to see if they are selling “Betta Buddy” brand moss balls. Please contact Rick Boatner immediately (503-947-6308; Rick.J.Boatner@state.or.us) if you find any.


We have a troubling sighting report from Seattle. A pet store employee has been finding zebra mussels attached and inside moss balls sold as aquarium plants (see photos attached). This has been entered into NAS and USGA has been in contact with the WA AIS community. The more significant danger is these moss balls being distributed across the U.S.

Here is the NAS specimen report for more information.

An alert has been generated that matched your criteria from the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database:

Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel) was found on Marimo moss balls (an aquarium plant) in a pet store located in King County, WA. (Puget Sound Drainage).

More information on this specimen can be found:

More information on this species can be found: