Member Spotlight: Terrah Owens

Terrah Owens

ORTWS Treasurer (2021-2023)

Current position: PhD Student at Oregon State University

Biographical Sketch: Hello! I am currently a PhD student at Oregon State University in the Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences. My research focuses on how wildfire affects predator-prey dynamics in the sagebrush ecosystem of eastern Oregon. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Zoology from Humboldt State University and spent my time after undergrad working for the Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Forest Service, U.S Fish & Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and several private environmental consulting firms. I grew up here in the Pacific Northwest and I am passionate about conserving the habitats and wildlife I was raised near. My interests include human-wildlife interactions, managing multi-use landscapes, and using collaboration to achieve conservation goals. I have been a member of both the National and Oregon chapter of The Wildlife Society since 2017. I have presented and volunteered at three ORTWS conferences (2018, 2019, & 2020) and now hope to extend my involvement and service as a board member-at-large. My goals are to be a representative for the graduate student community, create more development opportunities for early career professionals, and to enhance collaboration with stakeholders to benefit Oregon wildlife.