ORTWS Board Approved Membership Fees Increase

Thanks to the support of our members, ORTWS has advanced our mission to promote conservation and management of wildlife resources in Oregon over many years and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. However, as we emerge from the last three years, we are navigating a new financial environment. Revenue from membership dues is used for overhead expenses (administrative consultant, insurance, online services, board meetings, annual meeting planning, business registration, taxes, equipment and office supplies) and for donations  beyond our grants and scholarship programs in support of wildlife conservation in Oregon. Unfortunately, nearly all of our overhead costs have increased, or will increase, in the next year. Overhead costs have increased to 17.1% of the annual budget from 8.2% in 2016. As a result, the Executive Board approved a modest increase to our yearly membership dues. 

  • Students: increase from $10 to $15/year
  • Retirees: increase from $15 to $20/year
  • Regular: increase from $20 to $30/year

For transparency, the annual meeting is the largest portion of our budget, but it is paid for through sponsorships and registration fees.

If you have any questions please send an email to treasurer@ortws.org