Vanessa Schroeder
ORTWS Vice President-elect (2025 – 2026)
Biographical Sketch: I hold an MS in Wildlife Science from OSU and I have had the privilege of working in Oregon in sagebrush country since 2013. In my current role I specialize in rangeland ecology to support wildlife habitat. I spend about half of my time on stakeholder-driven applied research projects and the other half advancing education and outreach programs around sagebrush ecosystem management and education and developing management solutions for degraded or threatened sagebrush ecosystems. Prior to working in Oregon’s outback, I worked in southern Utah for the UDWR primarily focusing on desert fish and amphibian species. My wildlife work in Oregon has primarily focused on sagebrush birds, including sagebrush-obligate songbirds and habitat threats to sage-grouse but has expanded to include ungulates and avian species found throughout the Steens Mountains across all habitat types. In my free time I love exploring Oregon’s public lands through hiking, snowshoeing, backpacking, and exploring with my mini-Aussie.