Member Spotlight: Shalynn Pack

Shalynn Pack
Advisor Board Member (2020 – present) 

Biographical Sketch: Hi, fellow wildlifers! I am an Oregon State University graduate and Certified Wildlife Biologist who has worked primarily in wildlife field research, international community-based conservation, rural sustainable development, and protected area policy. I spent a decade working and living in Latin America, especially Chilean Patagonia, and have a passion for all things Andean. I earned an MS in Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology and a Master’s in Public Policy from the University of Maryland. In my current role as the Internship Coordinator for the Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences at Oregon State University, I train and instruct the next generation of wildlife professionals in career development skills, bring students to wildlife conferences such as ORTWS (my favorite one!), and advise the OSU student chapter of TWS.

I have been a member of TWS since 2008 and an active collaborator with the ORTWS Board since 2020. I love helping connect students to the great networking, learning, and professional development opportunities that ORTWS offers!