Mike Rochelle

Mike works for Weyerhaeuser Company, where he is the Program Manager for the Western Environmental Research and Operational Support team, a multi-disciplinary team providing conservation planning, policy, and regulatory support to Weyerhaeuser’s Western Timberlands business across approximately 2.6 million acres in western Oregon and Washington.

Mike has held a variety of positions over his 25 years with Weyerhaeuser, primarily in wildlife management, conservation program management and certification support.  During his time at Weyerhaeuser, he has been engaged in development and/or implementation of a variety of federal Section 10 agreements.  These include a Northern Spotted Owl HCP in southwestern Oregon, a multi-species HCP in the Washington Cascades, a Native Fish HCP in western Montana, Fisher CCAAs in both Oregon and Washington, a Safe Harbor Agreement for barred owl removal in the central Coast Range of Oregon, and a Safe Harbor Agreement for marbled murrelets in Washington.

Mike has been a member of the Wildlife Society at the State, Section and National levels for over 25 years, and served on the Oregon Executive Board for 5 years along with leading the Annual Meeting fundraising committee for a number of years. Mike earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Washington State University.

Outside of work, Mike enjoys nearly all things outdoors, but particularly trail running, road and mountain biking, backpacking and exploring our National Forests.