Doug C. Grafe

Doug’s position was created in the 2021 legislative session, which established a comprehensive Wildfire Programs grounded in the recommendations developed by the 2019 Governor’s Council on Wildfire Response. In this role, Doug serves as the principal advisor to the Governor on wildfire prevention, mitigation, and response, overseeing implementation of the Wildfire Programs that span eleven state agencies.  Doug also serves as liaison to the Governor for the Oregon Military Department and Oregon Department of Veteran Affairs, where he supports our National Guard citizen soldiers and all Oregon veterans.

Doug previously spent 17 years at the Oregon Department of Forestry in a variety of positions including stewardship forester, Toledo unit forest manager, fire operations manager, deputy chief of fire protection, and chief of fire protection — a position he held for 5 years. Prior to his work for ODF, he held positions as the city forester for the City of Albany; consulting utility forester for Pacific Gas & Electric in California; harvest inspector for the U.S. Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit; and assistant forester for Georgia Pacific Corporation in Florida.

He has been a member of the Society of American Foresters since 1994 and previously served on the boards of the Oregon Heritage Tree Committee and the Toledo Rural Fire Protection District. He holds a bachelor’s degree in forest resources and conservation from the University of Florida and has completed coursework in public management at Willamette University’s Atkinson Graduate School of Management.