Member Spotlight: Jayshaun Talbert

Jayshaun Talbert
ORTWS Student Liaison (2025 – 2026)

Hey everyone! I’m an undergraduate Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences student at OSU. I’ve wanted to study wildlife conservation since before I could remember and I’m so excited to serve on the ORTWS board. My primary interests within the wildlife field encompass avian population dynamics, movement ecology, and reproductive ecology. I’ve had the privilege of being a part of several avian projects ranging from seabirds, raptors, songbirds, sage-grouse and more! In fact, I’m currently doing an undergraduate thesis studying Northern Saw-Whet Owl populations.

Outside of my research and coursework, I’m involved with different wildlife organizations on campus and serve as Conservation Chair for the Mid-Willamette Bird Alliance. I’ve been involved with ORTWS since my first year at OSU and absolutely love our board and the community we’re fostering. I’m excited to use my position to advocate for student interests & ideas while connecting students to professionals within our field. When I’m not doing anything wildlife-related, you can find me out adventuring with my friends, reading, watching movies, or recording episodes for my media analysis podcast.

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