Contact: Dave Shaw, OSU College of Forestry, 541-737-2845,
Forest Health in Oregon: State of the State 2018 looks at current forest health conditions in Oregon
We are all aware of many of the forest health challenges facing Oregon. News stories about megafires and sudden oak death outbreaks have been in the news. We are familiar with tree mortality in our forests. An upcoming conference will update participants on the current condition of Oregon’s forests, forest health trends and challenges, current research, and silvicultural solutions.
The Forest Health in Oregon: State of the State 2018 conference will be held February 28-March 1 at the LaSells Stewart Center on the campus of Oregon State University. Geared to foresters, forest managers, woodland owners, students, and others with an interest in forest health, the conference will provide a blend of current information and practical applications on how to manage a healthy forest.
The first day of the conference participants will learn the latest information about how wildlife, insect and diseases, non-native invasive species, climate change, and other factors affect forests in Oregon.
On the second day, the morning segment showcases current fire research in a format of eight 15-minute talks. In the afternoon, speakers will discuss tree mortality analysis, drought impacts on forest health, operational implications when managing for forest health, and other silvicultural perspectives. The conference closes out with a moderated discussion on the future of forest health.
Registration is now open; please visit Register before February 20 to receive the early-bird registration fee of $150 ($200 after 2/20). Student registration is free, but for planning purposes, we ask that students register if they plan to eat lunch. Students can attend as many or as few sessions as their schedules allow.
Program questions should be directed to Dave Shaw, OSU College of Forestry, 541-737-2845, For registration questions, contact Melinda Olson, SAF Northwest Office, 503-224-8046,
The Forest Health 2018 conference is sponsored by OSU Forestry and Natural Resources Extension (College of Forestry). Co-sponsors include Oregon Forest Resources Institute; Sustainable Forestry Initiative State Implementation Committee; Oregon Small Woodlands Association; Oregon Tree Farm System; Northwest Fire Science Consortium; and the Society of American Foresters.
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