General News

Workshop: Wildlife 101
March 31, 2015

WORKSHOP CANCELED 4/20/2015 _______________________________ Tentative Workshop Agenda – Wildlife 101 for Foresters Workshop Join us for an interactive day with professional wildlife biologists, forest managers, and woodland owners  to discuss common wildlife management challenges and opportunities at all scales, from small woodlands…Click for More

Workshop: Forestry 101
March 31, 2015

Forestry & Silviculture for Biologists in the Northwest 
This workshop is an introduction (or refresher) to biologists working on forestry issues, but not trained in forestry. This workshop will define forestry terms and concepts so attendees understand forestry discussions…Click for More

REGISTER NOW for the Annual Meeting!
February 9, 2015

Please join us for our annual meeting! To register online go here: Joint Annual Meeting Registration.
This year ORTWS and the Oregon Society of American Foresters are holding a joint annual meeting. This brings lots of interesting…Click for More

Survey Results – Financials and Legislative Liaison
February 3, 2015

Dear ORTWS Members,
Big thanks to those of you who participated in our legislative liaison survey! The survey was sent to over300 members and 47 of you replied or roughly 15% of the membership. The first and second questions were…Click for More

Leadership Institute
February 3, 2015

Hello Wildlifers! Here is a note from National:
TWS is currently accepting applications for its Leadership Institute. The Institute’s goal is to facilitate development of new leaders within TWS and the wildlife profession. The Institute will recruit 10-15 promising early-career…Click for More

January 9, 2015 Board Meeting
January 27, 2015

Click on the following link to see the most recent ORTWS Board Meeting Minutes: January 9th Board Meeting Minutes
Topic Highlights
2014 financial report
Chapter membership software and National data
Legislative liaison survey and contract
Lead workshops and…Click for More

2015 Joint Annual Meeting: Common Ground, Common Goals, Common Solutions Schedule
January 25, 2015

Greetings ORTWS and OSAF Members! The schedule for our upcoming Annual Meeting is provided below. We will update this schedule with changes as more events get locked in.
2015 Joint Annual Meeting: ORTWS and OSAF
Common Ground, Common Goals, Common Solutions
April…Click for More

2014 Spending Report Now Available
January 24, 2015

If you are curious where ORTWS put its funds in 2014, the spending report is now available here: 2014 Spending Report. With very careful management of monies, we ended the year $2,064.79 in the black! Yay! The…Click for More

First Call for Papers and Posters! Annual Meeting April 29-May 1
December 6, 2014

Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Oregon Society of American Foresters
2015 Joint Annual Meeting
April 29-May 1, 2015
Hilton Hotel, Eugene, Oregon
Theme : Common Ground, Common Goals, & Common Solutions
This year ORTWS and the Oregon Society of…Click for More

Save the Date! ORTWS Annual Meeting: April 29-May 1
November 3, 2014

Please join us for our annual meeting! This year ORTWS and the Oregon Society of American Foresters are holding a joint annual meeting. This brings lots of interesting opportunities for our membership (you!) to experience and present information to…Click for More