Lots of student activities planned for the 2018 Joint Annual Meeting.

We are excited we have had so much student interest in the 2018 Joint Annual Meeting!

We just wanted to update you on some great opportunities specifically for students at this years meeting.

Some key events are as follows:

Wednesday – 2/14/18

5:00PM-6:00PMStudent Resume/Interview Session (Grand Ballroom)
6:30PM-9:30PMSocial & Entertainment, mingle with professionals and other students (Grand Ballroom)
8:00PM-9:30PMStudent Quiz Bowl (Timberline Room)

Thursday – 2/15/18

8:10AM-8:30AMNW PARC meeting (Multnomah Room).  Open to NW PARC members providing important updates related to the organization.
11:50AM-1:00PMWATWS (Lounge) and SNVB (Overton Room) lunch meeting. These are open for current members of the respective organizations. These meetings provide important updates related to the organization.
5:00PM – 6:00PMORTWS business meeting (Timberline Room).  Provides important updates related to the organization.

Friday – 2/16/18

8:00AM-9:00AMBreakfast with a Wildlifer (Washington/Clark Room)- Hosted breakfast open to first 100 students to RSVP.  Network with professionals and get feedback on whatever questions you have related to the wildlife field.  PLEASE RSVP TO ANNEMARIE PRINCE IF YOU WANT TO ATTEND THIS BREAKFAST. EMAIL:  Annemarie.prince@dfw.wa.gov.

We will be validating students at the registration desk when you check in.  Please provide a student ID or proof of enrollment in a college/university.

A detailed schedule should be posted any day, another email will be sent out when this is available.
If you need to make any edits to your registration please contact ortws.secretary@gmail.com.