Member Spotlight: Barbara Garcia

Barbara Garcia
Running for: Board Member (Second Term)
Education: B.S. Biology University of New Mexico 1998, M.S. Wildlife Resources University of Idaho 2003

Present Position/Employment: Regional Wildlife Ecologist
USDA-Forest Service Pacific Northwest

Former Positions/Employment: USFS & DOD-Biological Tech Fish/Wildlife 1997-99, University of Idaho-Teaching Assistant-Wildlife Ecology 301, Wildlife Mgmt. 100 2001-02, USFS-District/Zone Wildlife Biologist MT 1999-2007, USFS-Zone Wildlife Biologist AZ 2007-2010, USFS- Deputy Area Ranger, Sawtooth NRA, ID 2010-2017

TWS Activities:  Secretary Student Chapter for University of Idaho (1999-2001), Past/Present memberships with TWS: Montana, Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon, and Washington, Guest Speaker for Idaho Chapter Meeting 2016 “Women Leading in Wildlife Management”, Currently serve as ORTWS board member and committee chairs for workshops and field trips

ORTWS Goals: Make connections with academia, NGO’s and other peers to further collaborate, increase knowledge, and leverage resources to improve ecological conditions in the Pacific NW; Bring federal land management agency representation to the board membership; Advocate for young professionals through education, training, job hunting, and other skills; Keep momentum going with ORTWS workshop and field trip committees for a second term

Interests (Professional and/or Personal): Ecological Integrity across large landscapes including monitoring for effective management across diverse disciplines. Mentorship of young professionals into future agency and leadership roles for decision making. Leadership that demonstrates effective management and progressive thought through science.

Personal interest: My family ❤️