2022 ORTWS Conference Logo

The ORTWS Board is excited to roll out our 2022 conference logo design! This logo is representative of Oregon and was created from start to finish by an Oregon artist. In March 2020, a call to membership was sent out asking for volunteers to contribute to the ORTWS Logo Workgroup. Many members answered that call and helped determine how we would find artists, develop potential designs, and choose future ORTWS logos. We want to thank those members for their time and energy along with the board members that made up the ORTWS Logo Workgroup. As a part of a logo design contest, we asked for artists throughout Oregon to contribute their work and received many wonderful designs. Our choice was a hard one to make! 

Artist Highlight: 

Rona May Bryan, Creator of the 2022 Conference Logo

Rona May Bryan was born and raised in Oregon and grew up exploring every possible inch of the stream and forest behind her childhood home. This fascination never faded, and she is currently working on a post-baccalaureate degree in natural resources with a focus on art, education, and outreach in fisheries science at Oregon State University. Prior to this, she traveled, worked, and attended college in Ireland and received her first degree in studio art from Western Washington.

Rona strives to apply her background in art to creatively communicate science in a clear and relatable fashion. In addition to her personal research on persistent barriers to migratory fish protection and restoration, she is interested in designing outreach and education materials that promote awareness and engagement in natural resource issues. After graduating, Rona hopes to secure work that combines her passion for art and graphic design with her love of ecology.