Member Spotlight: Trent Gianella

Trent Gianella
ORTWS Board Member (2024 – 2026)

Current Position: ODFW Assistant Wildlife Biologist

Biographical Sketch: Biographical Sketch: My name is Trent Gianella and I am currently employed as a Wildlife Biologist with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife located in The Dalles. I grew up in Western Oregon on a small farm located in the Willamette Valley. My agriculture background and outdoor upbringing guided me on the path to obtain a Bachelors in Fisheries and Wildlife Science from Oregon State University. Upon graduating I moved to Heppner, Oregon where I was employed as a Wildlife Habitat Biologist in a collaborative position with ODFW and Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District. In this role I collaborated with multiple agencies and private landowners to restore, maintain, and improve upland bird and mule deer habitat. During my four years in this position I also had the opportunity to obtain my M.S. in Wildlife Science from Oregon State University. My graduate research was focused on evaluating the impacts of annual grass herbicide treatments on mule deer forage and habitat use. Upon graduating I then moved to The Dalles and accepted my current position as a wildlife biologist with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. In this role I get to combine my passion of working with private landowners, monitoring wildlife populations, and designing/implementing wildlife habitat improvement projects. I am very excited to serve on the ORTSW board and continue to give back to this organization that has helped me develop as a young professional.